Quality Management

At Octigon, we make sure that every service we provide to our customers is of the highest possible quality, without forgetting environmental protection, occupational health and safety, equality, and the fight against discrimination. The defined Integrated Management System Policy is not just a set of rules; it is a living document that we review and update regularly to ensure that our services and practices remain consistent with our values and commitments.

Octigon's management system is certified according to STN EN ISO 9001: 2016 and STN EN ISO 14001: 2016 and applied in the following areas:

  • preparation, implementation and management of projects financed from EU funds and other public sources in the field of information and communication technologies, informatisation of society, research, development and innovation, business development, education, health, environment and regional development;
  • advising on funding opportunities for private and public sector development projects;
  • preparation of analytical, strategic, and programme documents and studies for the private and public sectors;
  • public procurement consultancy services.

Quality Management System STN EN ISO 9001: 2016

At Octigon, we put quality first in all our activities. Our management focuses on thorough quality monitoring and process stability, management and continuous improvement. We do all this with one goal in mind: to satisfy our customers' needs in an optimal way.

Environmental Management System STN EN ISO 14001: 2016

Responsibility for the environment and an active approach to its protection is one of the pillars of Octigon´s operation. Our team is deeply commited to protecting nature and places great emphasis on preventing pollution. We are constatntly striving for the efficient use of resources and energy, contributing to a sustainable future for all.
